29 Sep

public event Online 29 Sep 14:00 – 16:30

Bees, Robots, and Light: A Celebration of South West Creative Technology

You are invited to Bees, Robots, and Light: A Celebration of South West Creative Technology.

In 2018, SWCTN began a £6.5m Research England funded project to expand the use of creative technologies across the South West. They’re now ready to share the learning from an incredible three years, as they launch the Final Report.

Many of The Studio Residents like Little Lost Robot, Dave Webb, and Bonnie Binary have been involved with South West Creative Technology Network in some way or another.

Now, join them as they celebrate and look back on the amazing projects that were developed.

This event will take place on YouTube, joined by partners from around the South West discussing their part in this groundbreaking R+D Project, asking questions about how we can support the future of creative technology in our specific regions as well as the wider South West.

The event will be BSL interpreted and contain automated live captioning but please email hello@swctn.org.uk if you have any further questions or access requirements.


Follow the link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bees-robots-and-light-a-celebration-of-south-west-creative-technology-tickets-167442401731


We hope to see you there!