22 Mar

Bath Spa University, The Locksbrook Campus 22 Mar 17:00 – 20:00

The Bath Challenge Opening: Inventing Other Ways to Go

The Bath Challenge is a project supported by Bristol+Bath Creative R+D. It was set up to think about the challenges specific to the creative community in Bath and gain a batter understanding of the barriers that prevent a greater sense of connection and shared purpose. The Bath Challenge has placed walking (and talking) at the centre of a strategy to evolve a creative trajectory.

Reflective, collaborative, responsive and open to collisions between different disciplines and perspectives The Bath Challenge, as we have come to think of it, has walked and talked with others to discover that acting together in the present is key to our future creative Bath.

The Bath Challenge team would like to invite you to an opening event and panel discussion to share the research. Panellists include:

Alexandra Coulter
Alexandra Coulter is Director of Arts and Health South West, a regional learning advocacy, networking and development organisation. AHSW delivered the Culture, Health and Wellbeing international digital conference in June 2021 which was attended by over 500 people from 30 countries. Alex has provided the secretariat for the All-Part Parlimentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing since 2015 and project managed the 2 year inquiry which resulted in the publication of the Creative Health report, launched in parliament in July 2017. In 2020, she helped establish the National Centre for Creative Health, in response to Recommendation 1 in the Creative Health report. She has been director of the NCCH since March 2021.

Poppy Clover
Poppy Clover
is a curator and arts project manager at Bath Spa University, and manages the Michael Pennie Gallery at Locksbrook Campus. Poppy has extensive experience exhibiting regionally as well as within the university, and also has experience in creating online spaces for digital exhibitions.

Rebecca di Corpo
Rebecca di Corpo has been working in higher education for fifteen years helping convert university strategic initiatives from concept through to delivery. Her portfolio is varied, but Rebecca’s projects consistently feature placemaking and the coordination of partnership working therefore.

Nicola Turner
Nicola Turner
is an artist based in Bath. She has a background in international scenography and completed an MA in Fine Art at Bath Spa in 2019. She was on the Bath Public Realm & Movement Strategy design panel and is one of the founding directors of Bath Art Depot, a group looking to create a world-class Arts Quarter on Weston Island that will engage local communities and attract international visitors.

Stephen Hilton (Chair)
Stephen Hilton is a systems thinker and doer who is passionate about smart, sustainable and inclusive futures. In 2016, he founded City Global Futures, a value-based consultancy located in Bristol and Bath, which brings together people, organisations and ideas to create places and systems that are sustainable and fair because they work better for everyone.

In addition to a panel discussion there will be an opportunity to see the artworks created by the arts collective MASH, developed in response to the research, and hear from the artists Abi Charlesworth and Gwenllian Davenport.

After the presentations Bath Art Depot will be hosting a guided walking to Weston Island at 7:30pm.

If you are not able to attend in-person, you can still watch the event online, which will be livestreamed on The Studio YouTube. Starting at 5:30pm (if you click on the ‘remind me’ button, you will be sent a reminder to join via email)

The Bath Challenge Team
Stephen Hilton, Natasha Kidd, Jonathon Eldridge, Jamie Eastman, Abi Charlesworth and Gwenllian Davenport (MASH), and Abigail Branagan.

Please book to attend this event here.