Michael Loveday is a writer and facilitator. He works primarily as as a coach for early and mid-career artists, writers, and creative freelancers, and also as an editor of novella-in-flash manuscripts. His own writing (flash fiction, prose poetry, and novella-in-flash) has been shortlisted for a Saboteur Award and longlisted for the University of East Anglia’s New Forms Award. He was awarded an Arts Council National Lottery Project Grant for his latest book, the writing craft guide Unlocking the Novella-in-Flash: from Blank Page to Finished Manuscript (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2022). He was a Trustee/Director of the National Association of Writers in Education from 2017 to 2021, and has taught in Higher Education since 2017, including as a Specialist Visiting Lecturer at Bath Spa University.
Michael Loveday
Michael Loveday is a writer and facilitator. He works primarily as as a coach for early and mid-career artists, writers,…